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Vol 24, No 5 (2021)

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Advances in diagnostics and treatment of cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia

Olisova O.Y., Anpilogova E.M., Kosumova K.S., Nikulina E.E.


BACKGROUND: Cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia is a reactive dermatosis characterized by the development of lymphocytic infiltration due to prolonged exposure to provoking factors with a tendency to spontaneous regression after elimination of antigenic stimulation without the development of systemic manifestations, sometimes having a difficult-to-distinguish similarity with B-cell lymphoma of the skin. Currently available diagnostic methods do not always allow to obtain an accurate result, and the arsenal of therapeutic agents does not sufficiently meet the criteria of effectiveness and safety.

AIMS: Diagnosis and therapy of benign lymphoplasia of the skin.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 57 patients who were observed at the V.A. Rakhmanov Clinic of Skin and Venereal Diseases of Sechenov University for skin lesions clinically similar to cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia. Based on the results of histological, immunohistochemical and molecular genetic studies, the main study group was formed, which included patients with cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia (n=35). After verification of the diagnosis, the expression of IgG4 in the lesions was studied, and the efficacy and safety of photodynamic therapy was evaluated both in the form of monotherapy by the method red light irradiation with a wavelength of 660±2 nm using the photosensitizer chlorin E6 once a week, and in combination with intraocular (0.5 ml/cm2) or intramuscular (2 ml each) injections of betamethasone suspension (Diprospan), carried out 1 time a week until complete cleansing of the skin.

RESULTS: Among 35 patients with cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia, there were 14 men and 21 women aged 18 to 78 years (the average age was 42.7±2.8 years). IgG4+ was detected in 5 (17%) of 30 patients with cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia (tattoo n=3, idiopathic n=2), as well as in 7 (78%) of 9 patients with confirmed B-lymphoma of the skin. Photodynamic therapy monotherapy (n=20) made it possible to achieve clinical remission in an average of 3–6 irradiation sessions, the combination of photodynamic therapy and betamethasone suspension in 15 patients with widespread and resistant to photodynamic therapy monotherapy rashes led to the clinical remission in 100% of patients after 7 photodynamic therapy sessions and 4 diprospan injections. Minor side effects did not require discontinuation of treatment.

CONCLUSIONS: Thus, the diagnosis of cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia is made only on the basis of a comprehensive examination (clinical and anamnestic assessment, histological, immunohistochemical, molecular genetic studies), however, there remains a certain percentage of patients in whom the verification of cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia is difficult and requires improved diagnostics. IgG4 can be regarded as an additional diagnostic marker in the differentiation of cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia and B-cell lymphoma of the skin: the tendency to increase the level of IgG4 may indirectly indicate the malignancy of the lymphoproliferative process. photodynamic therapy has demonstrated high efficacy and safety in patients with cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia, allowing to achieve completely clean skin both with monotherapy and in combination with diprospan for resistant and/or widespread rashes.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2021;24(5):429-442
pages 429-442 views


The skin microbiome and atopic dermatitis: a review

Olisova O.Y., Svitich O.A., Potapova M.B.


Atopic dermatitis is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease that may be accompanied by food allergy, allergic rhinitis or asthma. The pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis is complex and based on interaction between an impaired epidermal barrier, immune dysregulation of both innate and adaptive immunity and the skin microbiome.

The skin microbiome plays an essential role in the development and, consequently, normal functioning of the skin immune system. The term “microbiome” is used to describe the collection of microorganisms and its genomic elements in a particular ecological niche. These microbial communities comprise a variety of microorganisms, including eukaryotes, archaea, bacteria, viruses and skin mites. The bacterial community of the skin is conditionally divided into two groups. Resident bacteria belong to a group of microorganisms that live relatively permanently on the surface of the skin. They are often referred to as commensal bacteria, which are necessary for the normal development and maintenance of the body’s immune defenses. In turn, transient microorganisms that temporarily inhabit the surface of the skin enter it from the environment and persist from several hours to several days. Under normal conditions, with proper hygiene and normal integrity of the skin barrier, resident and transient microbes are not pathogenic. Thus, cutaneous dysbiosis can lead to immune system overactivity as well as inflammatory skin conditions. It has been shown that the relationships between microbes within the skin surface play an important role in the development of atopic dermatitis.

Moreover, exacerbations of the atopic dermatitis are associated not only with the loss of microbial diversity but also with the predominance of Staphylococcus aureus.

Further skin microbiome studies and thus understanding of its role in atopic dermatitis could provide an effective therapeutic approach to restore well-balanced skin microbiome.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2021;24(5):443-450
pages 443-450 views

Comparative study of the effectiveness of combination therapy of vitiligo with methotrexate in combination with medium-wave narrow-band therapy UVB-311 nm and monotherapy UVB-311 nm

Tavitova A.R., Lomonosov K.M.


BACKGROUND: Vitiligo, a multifactorial chronic acquired disease with a genetic predisposition, occurs due to the destruction of melanocytes of the skin and is characterized by the appearance of foci of depigmentation. Despite the fact that new therapies are emerging, there are no actual treatment regimens that would guarantee a positive result, including stopping the progression of the process, repigmentation. In this regard, it is advisable to search for drugs that have an immunosuppressive effect.

AIMS: Clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of methotrexate in combination with UVB-311 nm and UVB-311 nm monotherapy in vitiligo.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: 77 patients suffering from progressive vitiligo were included in this study. All patients were divided into 2 groups. A course of methotrexate therapy in combination with UV therapy was prescribed to 39 patients, UVB-311 nm monotherapy was performed in 38 patients. The lesion area relative to the body surface area was estimated using the VES index (Vitiligo extent score) on the vitiligo calculator. The effect of the disease on the quality of life was assessed using the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). The duration of the study was 6 months.

RESULTS: The patients included in the study were divided into two groups randomly. There were 39 patients in group I, 38 in group II. 76 out of 77 patients completed it: 1 patient was excluded due to increased hepatic transaminases during methotrexate therapy. Among patients receiving combination therapy with methotrexate in combination with medium-wave narrow-band therapy UVB-311 nm, there was a more pronounced decrease in the percentage of depigmentation relative to the body surface area. And also patients of this group demonstrated the most active positive dynamics of the Dermatology Life Quality Index than patients who received only phototherapy.

CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrated good clinical efficacy of the drug. Small doses of methotrexate have a positive effect on the tolerability of the drug and prevent the development of side effects, which makes it possible to influence pathogenetic mechanisms for a long time, stabilizing the skin process.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2021;24(5):451-459
pages 451-459 views

Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome. Clinical case

Snarskaya E.S., Medvedeva Y.N.


This clinical case is of interest due to the rare occurrence of Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome in the population, as well as the difficulty in diagnosing and achieving remission of this disease.

Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome is a rare chronic relapsing dermatosis in the population, in typical cases characterized by a triad of symptoms: macrocheilitis, neuropathy of the facial nerve and folding of the tongue. However, much more often the disease manifests monosymptomically. The etiology of the syndrome has not been definitively studied: the infectious and allergic component, inflammatory processes of the facial nerve, genetic predisposition, as well as contact with metals (cobalt and gold) are considered as the determining causes. The diagnosis is based on clinical data and the results of a pathomorphological study. With a monosymptomatic (only the presence of macroheilitis) course of Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome, a differential diagnosis is carried out with angioedema Quincke, lymphangioma, hemangioma, lip abscess and other cheilitis.

The clinical picture of dermatosis is localized on the face and is a significant problem, significantly affecting the social status of patients and is highly threatened in relation to the development of dysmorphophobia.

The presented clinical case is rare in the practice of a dermatologist, patients with a similar pathology turn to dentists, allergists, where the clinical picture is regarded as Quincke’s edema. Given the rare occurrence of Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome in the population and the difficulty of diagnosing the disease, the presented clinical case is indicative, since in our case the patient has only 2 main symptoms (folded tongue, macrocheilitis) and there is no clinical picture of facial neuritis.

Timely diagnosis and a thorough examination of patients with Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome contribute to the greatest effectiveness of therapy and the achievement of a stable remission of the disease.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2021;24(5):461-466
pages 461-466 views

Efficiency of appliance of cranial electrotherapy stimulation and fabomotizole medication as part of combination therapy of patients with lichen ruber planus

Tlish M.M., Osmolovskaya P.S.


BACKGROUND: Taking into consideration importance of a stress factor in the pathogenesis of lichen ruber planus, it seems reasonable and promising to include safe and effective methods for its correction in the therapy of such patients.

AIMS: To evaluate efficiency of the combination therapy in patients with lichen ruber planus with inclusion of cranial electrotherapy stimulation and fabomotizole medication.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The object of the study included 65 patients (42 women ― 64.6% and 23 men ― 35.4% at the ages from 18 to 75 (43.8±15.3 years) with a common typical form of lichen ruber planus. Duration of the disease ranged from 1 to 42 months (13.3±11.6 months). Two groups were formed by the method of adaptive randomization. In the main group (n=33), patients received chloroquine of 250 mg orally twice a day, topical glucocorticosteroids and additionally cranial electrotherapy stimulation. In the comparison group (n=32), the similar therapy was carried out, but instead of cranial electrotherapy stimulation, fabomotizole of 10 mg was prescribed orally 3 times a day after meals. The course of hospital treatment in both groups was 21 days, the follow-up was 12 weeks. Results of the therapy were assessed on the 7; 14 and 21st days. The examination algorithm included: assessment of clinical manifestations taking into account the Index Lichen Planus; the impact of pruritus on the daily life of patients with the help of the generally accepted Behavioral rating scores questionnaire; study of the psychoemotional state of patients using the Dermatology Life Quality Index, Hamilton Anxiety Scale and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale.

RESULTS: Before prescription of the therapy in both groups, there were no statistically significant differences (p >0.001) in the studied indices, scales, and questionnaire. After the combination therapy in association with cranial electrotherapy stimulation in patients of the main group, starting from the 7th day of the therapy, significantly more favorable results were achieved in terms of the studied parameters (Index Lichen Planus, Dermatology Life Quality Index, Hamilton Anxiety Scale and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale). As for the effect of pruritus on the daily activities of patients (Behavioral rating scores questionnaire), in both groups there was its equally statistically significant (p <0.001) decrease. Patients of the main group and the comparison group tolerated the treatment well, there were no side effects.

CONCLUSIONS: In the main group, using cranial electrotherapy stimulation, normalization of indicators reflecting the activity of the skin pathological process, psychoemotional state and dermatology life quality was statistically significant and took place within a shorter period of time.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2021;24(5):467-476
pages 467-476 views

Acute urticaria in patients with COVID-19

Senchukova S.R., Molodykh O.P., Krinitsyna Y.M.


Information about the epidemiology, clinical features, prevention and treatment of a new coronavirus infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus is continuously updated and updated. The most common clinical manifestations of COVID-19 are hyperthermia, symptoms of intoxication, cough, shortness of breath, decreased sense of smell and taste, less often abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and other extrapulmonary manifestations. The main target of SARS-CoV-2 is type II alveolar cells, which defines lung damage as the main clinical manifestation of COVID-19. Damage to the neurons of the brain and glia leads to neurological symptoms (fever with headaches, loss of sense of smell, taste, ataxia and seizures). Immunological complications leading to cytokine storm syndrome and acute respiratory distress syndrome play a special role in the pathogenesis of COVID-19 coronavirus infection.

Recently, clinical observations have been increasingly appearing describing dermatological skin lesions as a variant of the manifestation of COVID-19 coronavirus infection, including at the onset of the disease, i.e. before the appearance of any signs of the disease. The specificity of skin symptoms in COVID-19 has not yet been proven, and some authors use the term “unexplained skin manifestations of COVID-19”.

The article presents a description of clinical cases of acute idiopathic urticaria at the onset of COVID-19, that does not respond to treatment with antihistamines. On the skin of the chest, abdomen, back, buttocks, arms and legs of patients, multiple, edematous, merging, bright pink, various sizes of urticaria were observed, appearing simultaneously with weakness, partial loss of taste, smell, muscle pain, temperature rise to 38–39ºС. Taking a single dose of the glucocorticoid combined drug betamethasone improved the patient’s condition within a day; in a man on the 7th day and in a woman on the 3rd day of antiviral therapy with favipiravir, all rashes disappeared. In the general blood test after 2 weeks of treatment, a slight negative dynamics was noted: in a man ― absolute leukopenia (3.6×109/l), relative lymphocytosis (51%), an increase in ESR up to 28 mm/h, in a woman ― absolute leukopenia (3.4×109/l), relative lymphocytosis (57%). The patients were discharged after a month of treatment with antiviral drugs in satisfactory condition with two negative PCR results for COVID-19.

The data obtained suggest that acute urticaria that cannot be treated with antihistamines in COVID-19 can be considered one of the variants of the course of a new coronavirus infection (SARS-CoV-2), and require further in-depth study.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2021;24(5):477-484
pages 477-484 views

Biological therapy of psoriasis in the era of COVID-19: discussing the risks and benefits

Pritulo O.A., Rychkova I.V., Maraqa N.M.


BACKGROUND: The new coronavirus infection COVID-19 in 2020 has spread widely around the world, including the Russian Federation. Risk factors for adverse outcomes of COVID-19, such as obesity, diabetes, chronic heart and kidney diseases, non-alcoholic fatty liver hepatosis, often accompany psoriasis, especially severe. Assessment and reduction of these risks have become an integral task of psoriasis therapy. An important issue was the use of immunosuppressive therapy in patients during the pandemic.

AIMS: In this article, we tried to analyze the international experience of colleagues with a focus on psoriasis and correlate it with our own experience. To assess the impact of psoriasis, concomitant syndromes and applied biological and non-biological systemic therapy on the risk of infection and the nature of the course of COVID-19.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The analysis of available scientific publications on the effect of psoriasis, concomitant comorbidities and the therapy used on the incidence, nature of the course and outcomes of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 was carried out. Data collection (questionnaire and analysis of available medical documentation on transferred COVID-19 cases and detection of antibodies) and a retrospective analysis of the history of COVID-19 disease in psoriasis patients in the Republic of Crimea who are on dispensary registration and receiving systemic (biological and targeted) therapy (n=146) were performed. The search for articles on the topic was carried out in the PubMed database in English and Russian, published in the period from 2019 to 2021.

RESULTS: According to available literature data, systemic biological drugs from the group of interleukin inhibitors for the treatment of psoriasis did not worsen the course of COVID-19.

Established a proactive anti-inflammatory effect for drugs from the group of IL-17 inhibitors.

According to the latest version 14 of the recommendations for the treatment of COVID from 27.12.2021, the IL-17A inhibitor netakimab is included in the group of drugs of proactive anti-inflammatory therapy. Out of 146 patients with psoriasis receiving biological and targeted therapy, 8 patients underwent acute respiratory infections in 18 months, confirmed COVID-19 was established in 26 cases, antibodies were detected in 54 patients. Out of the patients with pneumonia and COVID-19, hospitalization for biological therapy was not required and only one case of hospitalization for therapy with apremilast (CT 1) was recorded. It should be noted that in the families of patients undergoing biological therapy, there were cases of COVID-19 (CT 2–3) and even a fatal outcome, however, no clinical manifestations of the disease were observed in our patients, and antibodies were detected during laboratory examination.

CONCLUSIONS: To date, there is no convincing evidence that drugs for systemic therapy of psoriasis can worsen the course of COVID-19. A proactive anti-inflammatory effect was noted for drugs from the group of IL-17 inhibitors. The existing international and Russian recommendations on the management of patients on biological therapy in the COVID-19 pandemic reflect the current experience and views of the expert community, it is necessary to further accumulate new data and exchange clinical experience along with the evolution of the pandemic. Available vaccines against COVID-19 that are not live may be used with caution during immunosuppressive therapy.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2021;24(5):485-492
pages 485-492 views

Peculiarities of clinical course and diagnostic of alopecia areata with comorbidity. Clinical observations

Dubenskiy V.V., Nekrasova E.G.


Nest alopecia (circular baldness) ― acquired non-pubescent alopecia, which begins, as a rule, with rounded foci on the scalp. During nest alopecia, there are three stages ― active (progressive, or progressive), stationary and regressive. The study of the causes and mechanisms of the pathogenesis of nest alopecia indicates a pronounced role of neurotrophic disorders, autoimmune and genetic factors, endocrine diseases and injuries.

The course of alopecia areata is often chronic, recurrent (more than one episode was found in 85% of patients), however, spontaneous remission without treatment is possible in 50% of patients. In cases where the manifestations of alopecia areata start before puberty, the risk of developing a total form of the disease is high (up to 50%). The probability of a complete cure in severe forms of alopecia is less than 10% of cases.

The development of alopecia areata is often accompanied by damage to the nail plates, however, the incidence of onychodystrophies varies significantly (6–77%). More than ten types of changes in the nail plates have been described. According to our observations, onychodystrophies were seen in all 6 patients with alopecia areata, with thimble-type deformities in children and longitudinal lines in adults. The lack of evidence in the literature on the frequency and specificity of damage to the nail plates requires additional research.

Comorbid conditions in patients (systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, etc.) can be trigger factors in the development of nest alopecia and complicate the diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease and concomitant dermatoses. This determines the need for a clear distinction between therapeutic and diagnostic approaches, based on their reliable significance, which will eliminate outdated or unreasonable therapeutic procedures.

The article presents two clinical observations: a combination of alopecia areata with anemia, chronic gastrointestinal diseases and celiac disease in a one-year-old child and with anemia, thyroiditis, and gastrointestinal diseases in an adult patient with post-COVID syndrome.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2021;24(5):493-502
pages 493-502 views

Clinical case of porphyria cutanea tarda

Motorina A.V., Palkina N.V., Khorzhevsky V.A., Fefelova Y.A.


Cutaneous porphyria tarda is a rare skin disease characterized by a chronic course and the appearance of painful vesicular elements on the skin, localized mainly in open areas of the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. It is known that the development of porphyria in about a third of cases is familial and can also be associated with alcohol abuse, exposure to gasoline and other toxic substances, smoking, the presence of HIV infection, high iron levels in the body and liver damage with viral hepatitis C. A key link in the pathogenesis late cutaneous porphyria is considered a violation of the function of one of the enzymes in the liver cells involved in the synthesis of heme – uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase, which causes a violation of pigment metabolism with increased accumulation of porphyrins in the body, which are deposited in the skin and act as endogenous photosensitizers.

As an auxiliary tool for differential diagnosis in case of suspicion of late cutaneous porphyria, in addition to collecting a detailed anamnesis, it is necessary to clarify the presence of a pathognomonic symptom ― a change in the color of urine, since the accumulation of porphyrin in the body in some cases can change the color of urine to reddish-brown. Another tool is a skin biopsy, which usually helps with differential diagnosis.

In the treatment of late cutaneous porphyria, in addition to the treatment of viral hepatitis C, low doses of hydroxychloroquine are used. Although the disease is not completely curable, its course can be successfully controlled. In this regard, timely diagnosis of tardive cutaneous porphyria allows for control of the disease. The elimination and treatment of skin manifestations consists in the primary elimination of those factors that provoked the exacerbation of the disease. Such patients need to wear protective clothing, limit exposure to sunlight as much as possible, since to date there are no means that significantly reduce the level of porphyrin and restore the enzymatic insufficiency of uroporphyrinohendecarboxylase.

Molecular genetic testing is relevant in order to further reduce the risk of developing the disease in offspring, which requires limiting factors that reduce the levels and activity of uroporphyrinohendecarboxylase.

The search and development of effective drugs for the treatment of late cutaneous porphyria continues all over the world.

In the present paper we present a clinical case of cutaneous porphyria tarda associated with hepatitis C virus infection.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2021;24(5):503-508
pages 503-508 views


High-intensity laser therapy of patients with atrophic scars: results of a comparative prospective interventional cohort study

Kurganskaya I.G., Kluchareva S.V.


BACKGROUND: Scars of various sizes and localization are formed in more than 100 million patients annually. Atrophic scarring defects of the skin are verified in more than 80% of patients with acne and in 30% of patients with other injuries. Different skin remodeling technologies have different effectiveness, which actualizes the search for optimal methods of scar correction. The most promising of them are combinations of high-intensity laser radiation.

AIMS: Determination of therapeutic effects of high-intensity laser therapy in patients with atrophic skin scars.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective interventional cohort comparative study of the therapeutic effects of high-intensity laser therapy in patients with atrophic skin scars was conducted. In patients with emerging scars, a combination of homogeneous photothermolysis by long-pulse Nd:YAG laser radiation (l=1.064 microns) followed by fractional ablative photothermolysis of CO2 laser (l=10.6 microns) was used, and in patients with mature scars, a combination of homogeneous photothermolysis of long-pulse Nd:YAG laser (l=1.064 microns) and planar laser photodestruction of CO2 laser (l=10.6 microns).

115 patients with the diagnosis of "atrophic scars" (ICD-X, Class XII "Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue", L90.5) were examined, among which groups with emerging (49 patients) and mature (66 patients) scars were identified. Empirical research methods ― clinical, instrumental, and medico-sociological ― have been applied. The analysis of the obtained data was carried out using the methods of descriptive, parametric and multifactorial statistics with the determination of the specific weight of the studied features.

RESULTS: The improvement of the clinical status, pronounced remodeling of the skin in the area of atrophic scars, under the influence of various combinations of high-intensity laser therapy was revealed. An increase in the quality of life indicators according to the Skindex-29 and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) scales was determined, more pronounced in the groups of patients with atrophic scars in comparison with the group of patients with mature scar deformities. Combinations of high-intensity laser therapy have a favorable safety profile, are characterized by a high degree of compliance and satisfaction with the results of treatment. The effectiveness of variant high-intensity laser therapy in patients with atrophic scars is 86–90%.

CONCLUSIONS: Combinations of high-intensity laser therapy in patients with developing atrophic scars cause dermoplastic and fibromodeling therapeutic effects, in patients with mature ones ― reepithelizing, fibrocorrecting therapeutic effects.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2021;24(5):509-518
pages 509-518 views


Chronicles of A.I. Pospelov Moscow Society of Dermatovenerologists and Cosmetologists (MSDC was founded on October 4, 1891). Bulletin of the MSDC № 1142

Yakovlev A.B.


On March 16, 2021, the 1142nd meeting of the Moscow Society of Dermatovenereologists and Cosmetologists named after A.I. Pospelov took place.

Two people have been accepted as members of the MODV: the list of new members was approved unanimously.

The agenda includes a discussion of two clinical cases. The interest in the first demonstration ― mushroom mycosis lies in the relative rarity of T-cell lymphomas in the skin clinic, as well as the effectiveness of PUVA therapy in the plaque stage of the disease. Another observation is a case of acquired epidermolysis bullosa, a rare sporadic autoimmune disease with increased skin injury, the formation of subepidermal blisters, the presence of antibodies against type 7 collagen, the prognosis for which is usually favorable and even with a possible spontaneous recovery.

A number of scientific reports were made at the meeting. The first of them is on the problems of vulgar acne. The patient-oriented approach for vulgar acne implies individual, personalized treatment of the patient. Among the strategic directions in the development of therapeutic approaches to patients with vulgar acne, special attention, in addition to external remedies, systemic therapy, physiotherapy and cosmetic care, should be paid to the adherence of patients to treatment. Among the various technologies for determining the severity of vulgar acne, an interactive electronic DIA calculator developed at the Department of Skin Diseases of Sechenov University, combined with medicinal recommendations in accordance with a certain severity of the disease of a particular patient, deserves attention.

The report on modern and classical methods of diagnosis of human and animal mycoses represents the most pressing issues of medical mycology in general and dermatomycology in particular due to their extreme prevalence. To date, all laboratory methods for the diagnosis of mycoses can be divided into classical and modern high-tech, while in most laboratories on the ground, almost only confocal microscopy has been introduced.

The last report was devoted to dermatoses that developed at the site of tattoos and tattooing. Since the composition of the coloring pigment includes iron oxide, titanium dioxide, isopropyl alcohol, natural organic and inorganic pigments, dermatoses such as benign lymphoplasia (lymphocytoma), sarcoidosis, psoriasis, discoid lupus, vitiligo, vasculitis, lichen planus, annular granuloma, lipoid necrobiosis, melanoma may develop in places of skin damage, basal cell carcinoma, gangrenous pyoderma, mycosis, syphilis, tuberculosis. It is noted that the treatment of lymphocytoma and sarcoidosis is a difficult task.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2021;24(5):519-524
pages 519-524 views


Photo gallery. Superficial mycoses of the skin

Yakovlev A.B., Maximov I.S.


Superficial fungal infections of the skin are common on all continents. Errors in the diagnosis and treatment of these patients are often observed. The lack of symmetry of the process, erythematous-squamous foci with a raised roller and more pronounced peeling along the periphery, polycyclic and annular outlines, as well as the presence of papules and pustules in the lesion can give a hint in making a correct diagnosis. Laboratory tests (microscopy and seeding) are mandatory for accurate diagnosis.

This article presents photos with anamnesis of the disease and treatment options for common superficial fungal infections of the skin.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2021;24(5):525-528
pages 525-528 views

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