Rationale and utility of sub-therapeutic/low dose cytokines and growth factors in dermatology: an overview



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The review presents data on a new low-dose medicine approach in several dermatoses such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and vitiligo based on the signaling molecules, which are responsible for the cross-talk between the psychoneuroendocrine and immune system and regulate the cellular responses to internal and external stimuli. An imbalance of specific signal molecules leads to inflammatory, allergic and autoimmune disorders. The mechanisms of signal molecules’ action and aspects of Psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology are presented. Recent studies on efficacy of low-dose medicine along with recommended strategies in psoriasis vulgaris (IL-4, IL-10, IL-11), atopic dermatitis (IL-12, IFNγ), and vitiligo (IL-10, IL-4, anti-IL-1, b-FGF) are observed.

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Об авторах

I. Podder

Department of Dermatology, CMSDH

Email: Professor@torellolotti.it
Индия, Kolkata

R. Sadoughifar

University of Rome G. Marconi; Bidarskincenter

Email: Professor@torellolotti.it
Иран, Tehran; Rome, Italy

M. Goldust

University of Rome G. Marconi; Department of Dermatology of University Hospital Basel

Email: Professor@torellolotti.it
Италия, Rome; Basel, Switzerland

Lotti Torello

University of Rome G. Marconi

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Email: Professor@torellolotti.it

Professor of Dermatology of University of Studies of Rome Guglielmo Marconi, Rome, Italy

Италия, Rome

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